The LGBT Sentinel is a grassroots community newspaper, founded in 2013.
The last year has seen our presence increase in the community. We have established our Community Nest Foundation, a non-profit organization addressing the complex issues concerning the at-risk, disenfranchised, and homeless individuals. We have sponsored events such as San Francisco, Los Angeles and Las Vegas Pride, AIDS Walk LA, Outfest, and RuPaul’s Dragcon. All causes are important to us and we will continue to seek out partnerships with companies that mirror our values.
Our readership is mainly US-based, but we have profiled global members of the community and look to be a voice and place for all members and allies of the LGBT international community.
We have completely revamped our branding, to a more simple and accessible, elegant media platform. This allows us to spotlight important issues as well as create a digital dialogue amongst our audience.