The Gender Identification Flags You Should Know About For Pride Season!
How many gender pride and identification flags do you know about? The ‘complete’ guides to queer
Something which is quite challenging at the moment is the very recent backlash against trans folk in the mainstream Press, and some very dangerous and sensationalist reporting designed to pit the public against us. It’s worrying for trans folk in everyday life, but much more so for the trans children who have been brave enough to be themselves, and who are increasingly terrified to go to school, walk down the street, or even just leave the house. With the attempted suicide rate amongst trans kids at 48%, this is a battle that just seems to run on and on.
How many gender pride and identification flags do you know about? The ‘complete’ guides to queer
Donna Gottschalk's photographs document life as a radical lesbian in 1970s America, and are an entry
These 8 awesome celeb Instagram posts filled us with the feels on National Coming Out Day