Art & Culture/International

Call Me Kuchu: The Urgent Story of a 21st Century Witch-hunt

The year is 2010, shortly after the Anti-Homosexuality Bill, commonly known as the “Kill the Gays Bill”, was masterminded and submitted for voting by Member of Parliament David Bahati. Set against this backdrop, the documentary Call Me Kuchu shines a spotlight on the extraordinary individuals at the forefront of Uganda's LGBTQ struggle, and the devastating sacrifices they've had to make. Keep Reading

Real Talk

Now’s Not the Time to Rest on Our Queer Laurels

When V for Vendetta was first released, it made an enormous impact on me. The thought that despite the Second World War and the fall of the Soviet Union, fascism could still make a comeback in one of the world’s leading nations shocked and scared me. The movie’s portrayal of futuristic fascism has stuck with me all these years, and every so often moves to the forefront of my mind. Like when I first came out as gay online, there was a little voice in my head saying, “But what if the political regime changes and you get rooted out… Keep Reading

Entertainment & LifeStyle

Truth Lies Inside

But by the grace of God I am what I am. -1 Corinthians 15:10 In The Miseducation of Cameron Post ,Cameron in summer of 93’ an 11th grade protagonist meets others like her at a questionable camp called Gods Promise in Montana to be ridden of their sins of (SSA) Same Sex Attraction. Finding my own authentic self expression in life was tough when pressure was applied to change or meet other people’s expectations. We place judgment on ourselves then fall victim to outdated traditions and blame ourselves for not getting better. The truth lies inside. Do not judge, so… Keep Reading

Real Talk

Holding Hands as an Act of Defiance #HoldTight

As a young queer, the feeling of my partner’s hand slipping out of mine and shrinking away just as the door to a restaurant opened, or just as we rounded a corner and stepped onto a busy high street, was more familiar to me than the feeling of holding hands. Keep Reading

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