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Sexual Education Lacking for Today’s Youth

in Blog/Real Talk/The Nation/The-Nation/Weekly

  While overall the world has become a more open and progressive place to live for today’s LGBT youth, the sexual education system still falls behind. Adolescence is difficult as is for heterosexual and cisgender (a gender identity in which gender matches the physical sex) youth. Imagine how difficult it must be for youth in the LGBT community when the education that could very well save your life can’t even be applied to you. Some schools worldwide still do not teach a sexual education curriculum, and among those that do, most do not include education about same-sex partnerships. According to…

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in Blog/Entertainment & LifeStyle/Weekly

Artist: Matthew Steele. Bio: Matthew lives in Los Angeles, where he watches the days become nights. He likes making lines into worlds. Draglickclipse.blogspot.com Hartcretur.tumblr.com

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Queer Blues Queens of the Early 20th Century

in Blog/Entertainment & LifeStyle/Real Talk/Weekly

The blues isn’t exactly the genre of the moment, but it sure feels apt for the times. It’s also a style that owes a lot to queer black women. The first blues queen to reach celebrity status, a business woman who marketed herself and organized her own tours throughout the 1920’s and ‘30s, was named Ma Rainey. In addition to possessing a powerful voice, she was a born performer–Charming, funny, and audacious. She was once arrested in Chicago for holding a lesbian orgy in her hotel room. A few years later, she wrote a song called “Prove it On Me…

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Outfest 2017: Why It Matters

in Blog/Entertainment/Entertainment & LifeStyle/Weekly

Outfest is one of the biggest queer events in the United States, located in one of the biggest film hubs in the world. Since its beginning in 1979, the festival has grown into a powerful institution in LGBTQ+ life as well as in mainstream film. Outfest’s slogan says everything about its role in our culture: “Our Stories Have Power.” In a world filled with stories that normalize the erasure and manipulation of queer narratives, movies and TV created by queer people can act as powerful antidotes. Stories are the conduits through which we understand the world; lessons that teach us…

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Bryan Fuller: Outfest 2017 Opening Night

in Blog/Entertainment/Entertainment & LifeStyle/Weekly

Bryan Fuller was honored last night at the opening night of Outfest for his work. Watch Zachary Quinto deliver an inspiring intro of Fuller below:  Fuller  has worked on  shows like “Dead Like Me,” “Wonderfalls,” “Pushing Daisies,” “Hannibal” and most recently “American Gods,” Fuller’s stories push boundaries and present characters that feel modern and transgressive, not only because so many are LGBTQ but also because they live and love and behave and react in a way that their TV antecedents would never have dared. Fuller’s Speech:

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Outfest 2017

in Blog/Entertainment & LifeStyle/Weekly

The LGBT Sentinel is thrilled to be a sponsor at Outfest LA. Here are the ten films we’re most looking forward to watching. Attending Outfest? Pick up your copy of the LGBT Sentinel when you’re there! Get your tickets : www.outfest.org/about-outfest-los-angeles/ #LGBTSentinel #OutfestLA

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The Top 10 Songs That Your Playlist Should Have This Summer: Gay Edition

in Blog/Entertainment & LifeStyle/Weekly

Summer is here and it’s time to dance. Here are the top 10 songs you should have in your playlist. Britney Spears – Do You Wanna Come Over? I know, technically, Britney Spear’s Glory came out August 2016. But, the song isn’t a single yet, and in the days of Grindr – it’s relevant. The song is sexy and fun, and asks your lover the burning question of the summer evening – do you want to come over? Whether it’s for Netflix and chill or you skip the move altogether, this song shapes up to be the tease of the…

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4 Awesome Queer Literary Journals

in Blog/Entertainment & LifeStyle/Weekly

Time to take a break from reading the news (after you’ve called your senators/ the remaining undecided senators to protest the American Healthcare Act https://5calls.org). It’s great to stay informed, but it’s also important not to let ourselves get hopelessly anxious over the latest headlines. Here are 7 gender- and genre-bending literary journals of queer poetry and fiction to restore your inspiration: Bloom: Published by the Arts in Bloom Project, Inc., Bloom is based in Los Angeles and publishes artists and writers who identify as LGBTQ+. A single issue of the magazine runs for $12, but you can view their…

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My Full Coming Out Story & A Message Of Hope: Roddy Biggs

in Blog/Real Talk/Weekly

So I knew at a very young age that I was not like other boys my age. I never liked the typical “boys toys” I would always rather play with dolls and other toys typically associated with girls. When I was 12 years old I told the first person I was gay and it was a huge relief. The first person I told was my aunt when we were on vacation, we have always been very close and she knew everything about me because I would always tell her things and I still do. That day I had been acting…

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San Francisco Gay Pride 2017: Day 2

in Blog/Entertainment & LifeStyle/Real Talk/The-Nation/Weekly

Day Two of San Francisco Pride. This was one day to remember. The city came to life with hope, kindness, and strength. Everyone stood together as one while celebrating what the world needs more of—love. The event attracted supporters in the millions this year, and the attendance was well received. Bright colors, handmade signs, and strong voices were everywhere to be found. People greeted one another with hugs and warm smiles. Other’s dancing in the streets in celebration of the day. Music was played on every block giving people such a high energy.    Welcome to Pride. Where anything goes.…

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