The Amazing Graf: His Life, His Work.

in The-Nation

The Amazing Graf: His Life, His Work (continued)…


LGBT Sentinel: Conversation is always important, what needs to be done within the community and in the entertainment industry?

Jake Graf: I have always felt that positive, authentic representation can be achieved through good writing and acting. I don't believe that a gay character can only be played by a gay actor, nor a straight role by a straight actor, so it follows that I don't feel that trans roles necessarily need to be played by trans actors. I do however agree with certain members of the community that if cis gender men are the ONLY people playing trans females, it does lend itself to the thinking that all trans women are really just men in make up and women's clothes, which is clearly not the case.

I do feel that more opportunities for trans actors would be great, but by the same token I
strongly feel that the work needs to go into the craft of acting, so that the trans actor is the absolute best actor for the part, and there is therefore no option but to cast them. I have just cast a trans man, Elijah Harris, in my new short film, 'Dusk'. Whilst I wanted to cast as many trans actors as possible ('Dusk' in fact has 5 trans actors, in both cis and trans roles), Elijah is an absolutely stunning actor, and frankly no one could have played the part better.

LGBT Sentinel: Where can our readers find out more about you?

Jake Graf: I am pretty active on social media, so I can be found on Facebook, Twitter(@JakeGraf1), Instagram (@jake_graf5) and for even more information, check out my

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