The Declaration of Independence, US Constitution, And LGBT Community

in Blog/Opinion

The Declaration of Independence, US Constitution, And LGBT Community.

<I>(We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.)</I> The Declaration of Independence was adopted after the American Revolution against Great Britain; taxes and trade regulations imposed against the Thirteen colonies caused an upheaval that spiraled into a revolution against the British monarchy. When we explore the second paragraph in The Declaration of Independence, there’s two central focal point we’ll explore with these text; the ambiguity and paradox.

Unalienable and inalienable are often used interchangeably, essentially having identical meaning based on contemporary dictionaries. Black’s Law Dictionary was founded by Henry Campbell Black in the 1800s, and it’s a widely used legal reference in the U.S Supreme Court. There’s over 10 editions of Black’s Law Dictionary, however, in the 5th edition both unalienable and inalienable have been used interchangeably with variations of meaning. Unalienable meaning, “incapable of being alienated, sold or transferred; while inalienable incorporated, “incapable of being alienated, sold or transferred, without the consent of the one possessing such rights.” Interestingly enough, both definition precedes The American Revolution and Black’s Law Dictionary, and although the dictionary is not an authority on words, we’re left with the social and cultural evolution attributed to meaning….One that requires a linguistic discourse on the denotation and connotation of semantics.

The Paradox of equality is another contradictory, and the subjugation of enslavement during that era was a situational Irony…Also, the endowment of these rights by a creator serving as a prerequisite to human fundamental rights is axiomatic, because it postulates a moral authority. Every facet of the second paragraph in the Declaration of Independence is imbued with faulty logic, paradox, and ambiguity—thus invalidating the most important document in American history, and it’s insusceptibility to change precludes its moral efficacy..Unlike The Declaration of Independence which expresses ideals, The United States Constitution is a framework for national government, fundamental laws, and human rights, one that’s viable to amendments..Prime example is the 10 Bill of Rights that was implemented in The U.S Constitution to express citizen rights in relation to governments…

LGBT is an initialism that expresses lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgendered; a movement addressing gender diversity, sexual equality, and impartial justice. Discriminatory practices, prejudices and gender stereotypes are central focal points in their communities, and this is unfortunate because equality, justice, life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness is the crux, and most regurgitated aspect of the Declaration of Independence..I’ve heard reverse terms such as non-heterosexual used as a polite euphemism to encapsulate everyone outside the heterosexual spectrum..Here’s what’s interesting—neurotypical is term used to define normal individuals, while atypical is associated with abnormal individuals, or anyone who falls outside the normal spectrum, equivalent to introverts and extroverts. The problem with the human conditioning is our predisposition to absolutes; it’s either black or white, gay or straight, social or antisocial—

A precluding disposition that renders our inability to have an objective reasoning, and It disables us from factoring biological predispositions, environmental factors, and inadvertent circumstances—to determine the essence of what’s moral and ethical. From a sociological perspective we can attribute a unanimous consensus to determine the morality of good and bad, or the ethics of behavior. However, McDonald’s mass appeal doesn’t quantify the consensus for health quality. The moral and ethical dilemma attributed to LBGT is oxymoronic, synonymous to, “pretty ugly,” “living dead,” and “random order” etc! If such a notion is contextually appropriate and applicable to The LGBT Community, then The Logic and Reasoning Dilemma needs to be address in The Declaration of Independence, and The United States Constitution.

Ateleston F.

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